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Saic MG350 / CCCLX / DL / DCCL Auto Parts Car Felix Filter -10073599 System System Auto Supplementum Lupum MG Catalogus Party.

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Products Application: Saic MG CCCL

Org of Place: in Sina

Notam: cssot / RMMEMEM / Org / Effingo

Duc Time: Stock, si minus XX PCs, normalis unum mensem

Payment: T depositum

Company Brand: cssot

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Products nomen Filter 
Application Saic MG CCCL
Products oem non 10073599
Org est In Sina
Notus Cssot / RMMEM / Org / Effingo
DUCEO Stock, si minus XX PCs, normalis unum mensem
Solutio T Depositum
Comitatu notam Cssot
Application ratio Potentia ratio

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Oleum filter -10073599
Oleum filter -10073599

Productum scientia

Quid est oleum filter opus?
Credo quod omnia dominis sciunt quod cars (praeter trams) opus ad oleum Filtra, sed scis quam oleum Filtra opus?

In fact, the working principle of the oil filter is not complicated, during the operation of the engine, with the operation of the oil pump, the oil with impurities continuously enters the oil filter from the oil intake port on the bottom assembly of the oil filter, and then goes through the check valve to the outside of the filter paper for filtration.

Sub actione pressura, et oleum continues transire per filter paper in centrum fistulam, et impudicitiis in oleum manet in filter paper.

Et oleum intrantes in centro fistulam intrat engine lubricatae system ex oleum exitus in medio oleum filter imo laminam.
Sunt duo clavis components: bypass valvum et reprehendo valvae.

Sub normalis fortuna, bypass valvae clausus est, sed in speciali casibus bypass valvum et aperire ut normalis copia olei:

I, cum filter excedit replacement exolvuntur, in filter elementum est gravissime obstruxit.

II, quod oleum est valde viscosa (frigus satus, humilis externa temperatus).

Etsi oleum fluit per hoc est unfiltered, est multo minus damnosa quam damnum fecit per engine sine oleum lubricatae.

When the vehicle stops operating, the oil inlet check valve is closed to ensure that the oil in the oil filter and subsequent lubrication system is not emptied, to ensure that the required oil pressure is established as soon as possible when the engine starts again to avoid dry friction.

Ecce hic ego credo habere generalis intellectus operationis principium et oleum filter.

Denique admonere te, quod vita periodum ad oleum filter debet reponi in tempore et cum emere in oleum filter, velit eligere products de iusto channel, aliter ad dampnum ad engine non valet in damnum.

 Zhuo Meng Shanghai Auto Co., Ltd. est scelus ad vendere MG & Mauxs Auto Parts Welcome to buy.

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