The working principle of the three-way catalytic converter is: when the high temperature of the automobile exhaust through the purification device, the purifier in the three-way catalytic converter will enhance the activity of the three kinds of gas CO, hydrocarbons and NOx, to promote its oxidation - reduction chemical reaction, in which the CO oxidation at high temperature becomes colorless, non-toxic carbon dioxide gas; Hydrocarbons oxidize ad aquam (H2O) et ipsum dioxide temperaturis; Nox reducitur ad NITROGENIUM et oxygeni. Tres genera nocivis Gas in innocens Gas, ut currus exhauriunt potest purificari. Patientes illic 'adhuc oxygeni praesto, in aere, fuel Ratio est rationabile.
Ex plerumque pauperes qualis est cibus in Sina, in cibus continet sulphur, phosphoro et Antiknock agente MMT continet manganese. Hae chemical components erit formare eget complexorum in superficie of oxygeni sensorem et intra tres-modo catalytic converter cum exhauriunt Gas metus post combustione. In addition, ex coegi est malum driving habitum, aut diu-term driving in congesta viarum, in engine est saepe in incompleta combustione status, quod erit formare carbon cum oxygeni sensorem et tres-modo catalytic converter. In addition, many areas of the country use ethanol gasoline, which has a strong cleaning effect, will clean the scale in the combustion chamber but can not decompose and burn, so with the emission of waste gas, these dirt will also be deposited on the surface of the oxygen sensor and the three-way catalytic converter. It is due to many factors that make the car after driving for a period of miles, in addition to the carbon accumulation in the intake valve and combustion chamber, it will also cause oxygen sensor and three-way catalytic converter poisoning failure, three-way catalytic converter blockage and EGR valve blocked by sediment stuck and other failures, resulting in abnormal engine work, resulting in increased fuel consumption, power decline and exhauriunt excensi vexillum et alia problems.
Traditional Engine iusto sustentationem limitatur ad basic sustentationem de lubricatae system, attractio system et cibus copia ratio, sed non potest obviam in comprehensive systematis, praesertim systematis et exhaurit ratio, praesertim systematis emissionem ratio, praesertim in emissionem ratio, praesertim systematis emissionem ratio. Ideo etiam si vehiculum diu-term normalis sustentacionem, difficile est ne supra problems.
In responsione ad huiusmodi vitiis, mensuras per sustentationem conatibus solent reponere oxygeni sensoriis et tres-modo Catalytic converters. Tamen, ex quaestionem de replacement sumptus, et contentiones inter sustentacionem conatibus et customers permanere. Praesertim ea non ad servitium vitae postea oxygeni sensoriis et tres-modo catalytic converters, saepe in focus controversias, multis teloneariorum etiam attribuitur quaestio ad qualis est currus.