De constructione vacuo Booster.
In vacuo Booster est maxime composito de Piston, diaphragm, reditus vere, ventilabis virga et joystick, reprehendo valvae, aere valvae et plunger (vacuum Vacuum genus est unum diaphragmam vacuo suspensionem genus.
Opus principium vacuo Booster
1, the brake booster pump uses the principle of inhaling air when the engine is working, causing a vacuum on one side of the booster, resulting in a pressure difference relative to the normal air pressure on the other side, and using this pressure difference to strengthen the braking thrust. Etiamsi non solum parva pressura inter duas latera diaphragmensis, debitum ad magna area diaphragmate, magna repellere potest generari ad ventilabis diaphragm ad finem humilis pressura.
2, in the working state, the push rod return spring makes the brake pedal in the initial position, at this time, the vacuum tube and the vacuum booster connection position of the check valve is open, inside the booster, the diaphragm is divided into the true air chamber and the application chamber, the two chambers can be connected to each other, in most of the time both are isolated from the outside world, By having two valve devices, the air chamber can be connected to atmosphaera;
III. Cum engine est currens, gradus in fregit pedali, in actione ventilabis virga, in vacuo valvae clauditur, simul aere pedites in aliam finem ventilabat in cæruleo, et post aere ad producendum aere in cœnaculo. Sub actione negativae pressura, in diaphragma est extraxerunt ad unum extremum fregit dominus sentinam et tunc agitare in ventilabis virga fregit dominum sentinam. Hoc amplius amplificat fortitudinem crura.
Quid accidit cum vacuo Booster Leaks?
Et fregit Booster sentinam operatur ut sequitur:
1, the brake booster pump uses the principle of inhaling air when the engine is working, causing a vacuum on one side of the booster, resulting in a pressure difference relative to the normal air pressure on the other side, and using this pressure difference to strengthen the braking thrust. Etiamsi non solum parva pressura inter duas latera diaphragmensis, debitum ad magna area diaphragmate, magna repellere potest generari ad ventilabis diaphragm ad finem humilis pressura.
2, in the working state, the push rod return spring makes the brake pedal in the initial position, at this time, the vacuum tube and the vacuum booster connection position of the check valve is open, inside the booster, the diaphragm is divided into the true air chamber and the application chamber, the two chambers can be connected to each other, in most of the time both are isolated from the outside world, By having two valve devices, the air chamber can be connected to atmosphaera;
III. Cum engine est currens, gradus in fregit pedali, in actione ventilabis virga, in vacuo valvae clauditur, simul aere pedites in aliam finem ventilabat in cæruleo, et post aere ad producendum aere in cœnaculo. Sub actione negativae pressura, in diaphragma est extraxerunt ad unum extremum fregit dominus sentinam et tunc agitare in ventilabis virga fregit dominum sentinam. Hoc amplius amplificat fortitudinem crura.
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