Quam altum est vehiculum wading? Quam alta potest aqua ut per?
Cum aqua altitudo est tertia altitudo Tyri potes requiem per aquam profundum plus dimidiam altitudinem Tyrum, necesse est ut caveatur, quia hoc situ facilis ad aquas in currus. Si wading profundum excedit bumper, driving vigilanti vitare engine aqua. If the engine water, do not start again, otherwise it will hurt the car very much.If there is a car on the opposite side of the wading, we must pay attention to the height of the water in front of his head, if the water is too high, at this time we need to accelerate properly, the reason is that we can use the water generated by the wave impact to alleviate the wave to the vehicle, we must pay attention to this situation do not panic, not to step on the brake!In the Domicilii incessus, ibi est pressura intra Gearbox, ita sub normalis fortuna, wading, in Gearbox non aqua. Si vehiculum est aqua diu post exstinguendum, necesse est ut reprehendo an transitum oleum deterioratur et inundata.