Steering Convertendo Convertere ad Mechanica Energy produci per engine (vel motricium) in pressura industria ... principium steering filum in steering system. Under normal circumstances, only a small part of the energy is provided by the driver, while the majority is the hydraulic energy (or pneumatic energy) provided by the oil pump (or air compressor) driven by the engine (or motor).Therefore, the study of safe steering wheel and steering control mechanism is an important topic of automobile safety, energy absorption steering wheel and energy absorption steering string is one of its achievements.
Energy Sucking Steering Rota
In gubernaculo rota consistit in ora, et hub locutus est. A denique-denthed spline in centrum de gubernaculo rota coniungitur ad gubernaculo shaft. In gubernaculo rota instructa cum cornu button, et in aliquo cars, in gubernaculo rota instructa cum celeritate, imperium switch et airbag.
Cum vehiculo fragore, in coegi caput et pectus est magis verisimile ad collident cum gubernaculo, ita augendae injuriam index valorem de capite et pectus. Ad solvere hoc problema, rigor in gubernaculo rota potest esse optimized ad redigendum collisionem rigentness exactoris usque fieri potest in praemissa occurrens requisita gubernaculo righting. Et osseus potest producere deformatio ad absorb impulsum industria et reducere gradum injuriam ex coegi. In eodem tempore, in plastic operimentum in gubernaculo rotam rotam mollitur quantum fieri potest ad redigendum superficiem contactus rigoremque