Truncus operculo.
Quidam notum quod "duo et dimidium" cars, in sarcinas cellula extendat sursum, comprehendo tergo windshield, ut apertio area crescit, ut et ad tres-currus figura, ita ut et in tres-currus et facilis ad reponere items in tergo et facilis ad reponere items in tergo, ut et in tergo et facilis est ut et in tergo ostium, ita ut et in tergo et facilis ad reponere et in tergo et facilis ad reponere items in tres figura, ut et in tergo et in tergo, ut et in tergo, ut et in tergo et facilis ad reponere items in tergo et facilis ad three-currus figura et facilis ad reponere items.
Si ad ostium adhibetur, interiore laminam parte tergum ostium debet embeddddddddddddddddded Rafter Rafber sigillum, circa circulum ad IMPERVIUS et dustproof. Support partium vidulo operculo sunt plerumque hamo cardine et quatuor link cardine et cardines instructi statera ad libera ut salvificem aperire et claudere operculo, potest automatically in aperto loco faciliorem extractionem et in aperto loco ad faciliorem extractionem items in aperto.
Et truncus operculo non claudere
I, in trunco onusta cum etiam multis items, in hoc tempore trunco currus non potest esse clausa, solution: quod dominus quamdiu pars items potest sumpta.
II, trunco cincinno obstructionum defectum, quae ducitur ad truncum currus potest non claudi, solution: at hoc tempus dominus indiget ad reparatione tabernam pro Lorem sustentacionem.
3, the hinge of the trunk appears loose deformation, this situation will lead to the trunk of the car is not tight, the solution: you can observe whether the folding screw falls off, if the screw falls off, you can tighten the screw according to the standard, but if the hinge appears deformed, then the car can only be sent to the repair shop for maintenance.
IV: et viverra virga intra manubrium est adhæsit aut hydraulicis firmamentum virga est vitiosa, solution: opus ad portare de sustentacionem ad viverra virga et hydraulicarum firmamentum virgam.
V, in switch de trunco laedi vel potestate unitas systema est vitiosi, hoc situ plerumque apparet in casu de truncus est automatic, solution est invenire professional switch et imperium unitas sustentationem.
VI. Et clausa terminum Flexilis obstructionum de car non aequare ad obfirmatis densis mechanism of currus et trunco currus non potest esse clausa. Solutio ad re-par terminum rubber obstructionum cum densis mechanism de car.
VII. Et indigentiam oleum intus in medio trunci ostium clausum facit partes ad jam et non operari Northmanni. SOLUTIO: Addere Lubricating oleum et agunt.
VIII, quod est corpus alienum in trunco card socors adhæsit, cum truncus card socors non est a externis corporis, naturaliter non potest claudi, solution: opus ad mundare card socors.
9, there are sealing strips on the trunk cover of the car, the sealing strip plays a waterproof role, if there is a problem with the sealing strip, it will lead to the trunk cover can not be closed, the solution: replace the sealing strip in time.
Quid est quod magnum gap in trunco
1, improper installation of the seal strip, resulting in a seal gap is too large, solution: because the seal strip is rubber, long-term use of rubber will age and harden, resulting in a larger gap, the owner can go to the 4s shop to replace the new trunk seal.
2, the trunk hinge mounting screw fixing bracket is misplaced, or the screw is loose, resulting in the trunk lid, there is a lead to the gap is too large, the solution: you can adjust the position of the hinge and the position of the fixed bracket, re-tighten the screw, and then adjust the rubber sealing ring to look at.
III, diu-terminus loading de gravibus obiecti in trunco, gravia obiecta causa deformatio trunci, unde in maius gap in truncus, solution: ad vitare longa-Term loading de gravibus et experiri ad vitare longa-terminum loading de gravibus.
4, the back door of the strut deformation, eventually leading to the back door and the side of the relative position of the change, the trunk gap becomes larger, the solution: replace the deformation of the back door strut.
V, fecit per multitudinem quaestionem, inconveniens ecclesiam ducit ad magna gap in trunco currus, plerumque non afficit normalis usum vehiculum, solution: vos can eiciam ad 4s tabernam ad adjust in gap.
VI, in trunco cincinno mechanism est solutam, quod cfice mechanism est solutam, truncum munus est affectus, unde in magna gap in trunco currus, solution: overhaul in trunco mechanism.
VII, in trunco folding defectum, truncum non potest esse Northmanni, truncus est magna, solutionem: reparare vitiosa trunci.
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