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Saic MG RX5 Nova Auto Parts Car Ordo Axem-10309131 Power System Auto Parts Supplementum Wholesale MG Catalog Cheaper Factory Price

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Products Application: Saic MG RX8

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Products nomen Tergo axis
Application Saic MG RX5 Novum
Products oem non 10309131
Org est In Sina
Notus Cssot / RMMEM / Org / Effingo
DUCEO Stock, si minus XX PCs, normalis unum mensem
Solutio T Depositum
Notus ZhuomenG automobile
Application ratio Cunctis

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Tergo axis-10309131
Tergo axis-10309131

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Tergo axis.
Tergo axe refert ad partem tergo coegi hastile vehiculum tradenda. Est composita ex duabus dimidiam, pontes et potest effectum deducendi dimidium-pontem differentiale motus. In eodem tempore, quod etiam ad suscipere rota et coniungere tergo rota fabrica. Si frontem axis pulsus vehiculum, deinde tergo axis solum sequitur, pontem, quod solum ludit ad partes. If the front axle is not the drive axle, then the rear axle is the drive axle, this time in addition to the bearing role also play the role of drive and deceleration and differential, if it is four-wheel drive, generally in front of the rear axle is also equipped with a transfer case. Axe axe dividitur in integralis axe axe. In integralis pontem instructa non-iuris suspensionis, ut laminam vere suspensionem, et dimidium pontem instructa est independens suspensionem, ut McPherson Suspensio.
A tergo axem pontem post currus.
If the front axle is not the drive axle, then the rear axle is the drive axle, this time in addition to the bearing role also play the role of drive and deceleration and differential, if it is four-wheel drive, generally in front of the rear axle is also equipped with a transfer case.
Front axle Rear axle refers to the front axle axle part, the front axle includes shock absorber spring, steering gear, balance shaft, etc., the rear axle also includes the drive shaft, transmission gear and so on. A tergo ex multi-axe salsissimus vir vivens etiam divisa in coegi tergo axem et non coegi tergo axem, non coegi tergo axe non coegi hastile nexum, non pertinent ad partem coegi rotam et tractu quam III axes in axibus et tractu III tractu.
In the use of vehicles, the dirt and dust of the ventilation plug on the rear axle housing should be often removed, and the cleaning and dredging should be removed every 3000km during maintenance to ensure that the airway is smooth, so as to avoid the pressure increase in the airway housing caused by the blockage of the airway and the oil leakage at the joint surface and the oil seal. Et reprehendo in lubricating oleum planum et oleum qualis, addere vel reponere si necessarium. In calces oleum debet reponi cum novus motivus est ad 12000km et oleum qualis debet esse sedatus omnis 24000km durante sustentacionem, ut color et extenuantibus et novum oleum debet reponi. Cum in frigore locis, hiems Lubricating oleum mutari in hieme. Cum pulsis 80000km ad sustentationem, pelagus Reducer et differentiale contentionem sit decompositis, interiore cavitatis axis didicere debet purgari et nucis inter se partis contactus utriusque partis et dente superficiem contactus utramque adaequatum et dens superficiem.
Mittit engine potentia ad Gearbox, quae movetur ad tergo axe dented disco. The differential is a whole, inside is: There are small tooth plates in the middle of the cross column above with two asteroid gears [play a role in turning speed regulation] the differential is placed standing, there are two small round holes on both sides, there are sliding keys above, we often say that the half column is inserted in this, go straight when the cross column does not move, when the cross column moves to adjust the speed of the tires on both sides, To improve the Currus scriptor Maneuvability in angulis!
A tergo axis Jiefang dolor est coegi axem et eius principalis munus est:
(I). Mittitur engine, ex virtute de lacessit, Gearbox et traductionem hastile traducitur per reducer, ut eius celeritate decrescitur, torque auget et ad semi-hastile traducitur;
(II). Portare onus tergo axe currus;
(III). Reactionem vi et torque via superficiem traducitur ad frame per folium vere;
(IV). Cum currus currit, tergo rota fregit ludit pelagus braking munus, et cum currus est parked, tergo rota fregit fregit fregit.

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