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Saic MG RX5 Crankcase pressura regulating valvae -10252909-8166a

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Products notitia

Products nomen Crankcase pressura regulating valvae
Application Saic MG RX5
Products oem non 10252909
Org est In Sina
Notus Cssot / RMMEM / Org / Effingo
DUCEO Stock, si minus XX PCs, normalis unum mensem
Solutio T Depositum
Comitatu notam Cssot
Application ratio Potentia


Products scientia

Quid est munus crankcase pressura regulantes valvae?

1, crankcase pressure regulating valve for defrosting cycle stage, defrosting after the selection and rated cooling capacity is often shut down during and after the stage to limit the crankcase pressure in the pre-set maximum to prevent compressor motor overload;

II. Hoc genus valvae rating huius generis valvae est ad haec tria factors: quod consilium suctu pressura post shutdown. Et pressura et statim adjust in refrigerandum fluit de evaporator usque ad compressor potest ferre maximam licita suctu pressura commendatur per compressor aut fabrica de unit (id est, paro valium valvae);

III, et pressura gutta de valvae. Designa consilio suctionis pressura valvae valve valve determinat quanto valvae range uti. Igitur valvae paro valorem esse ut alta quam fieri potest, sed non excedat compressor vel unitas manufacturer scriptor suadetur valorem

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6f6013a54bc1f24d01da4651c7999999996 46f67bbd3c438d9dcb1df8f5c5b5b5b 95C77EDAA4A52476586C27E842584CB 78954a5a83d04d1eb5bcd8feff3c

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