Quam ut reponere in fregit caligarum?
In gradibus ad reponere in fregit caligarum sunt:
I, unload in stupra super oleum pipe, quod est, in screw intus flavo circulo, vos can removere oleum pipe a fregit sentinam, sed hoc erit leak de aliqua fregit oleum et install directe in linea;
2, if installed after a few pinch the brake feeling is not normal (that is, there is no brake), you need to exhaust air for a while, generally as long as open the brake pump cover, repeated many times, the pump piston escaped;
III, oleum inutilem, removere nexum de Tubing, removere sentinam, piston ad verticalem tardius turn latus ad ventilabis in generali, in generali, vos can vim ad instare in fine. Lond in Tubing, et aere ex, et factum est.