Sunt duo rationes ad folium laminam fregisset
Primo folium laminam nimis tenuis structuram se non resistere ad remotis fronte trabem caput
Duo, inferioris terminus magnitudine non recte, in strigare primum summitatem ad folium laminam cum fortis gibba descendit "hit", in inferiore brachium terminum operatur.
In sententia de his duabus problems, sub ductu et investigationis ex ullo versio et recta versio:
Nos fecit in sequentibus adjustments
1, prepare welding to strengthen the leaf plate, not the whole steel plate for welding, that will interfere with the distortion and deformation of the leaf plate itself, we use the method of reinforcing steel "mesh", which can maximize the retention of the leaf plate original (due) deformation, but also can do the strengthening of the leaf plate itself
II. Adauge inferioris brachium terminum intra quaedam range ad inferiorem brachium terminus opus ante in processus of vehiculum saltare, ita ut vitare dura contactus inter strigare et folium laminam saepius.