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Factory Price Saic Maxus T60 c00088452Steering iungite virga Ball caput

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Products notitia

Products nomen Steering colligationem virga pila caput
Application Saic Maxus T60
Products oem non C00088452
Org est In Sina
Notus Cssot / RMMEM / Org / Effingo
DUCEO Stock, si minus XX PCs, normalis unum mensem
Solutio T Depositum
Comitatu notam Cssot
Application ratio Chassis ratio


Products scientia

Steering colligationem virga pila caput

Opus principium gubernaculo colligationem virga pila caput est iugo virga cum pila caput testa. Pila caput gubernaculo fusi ponitur in pila caput testa. Et foramen acus transire scutulis inter pelagus sagittas sunt embedded in striatus in interiore foramina pila caput sedes. In utilitatem exemplar habet proprietates reducendo ad gere de pila capita et melior tensile resistentia principalis sagitts.


The ball joint of the steering tie rod mainly includes the ball joint shell (2) at the end of the tie rod, the ball joint (4) of the steering spindle (3) is inserted into the ball joint shell (2), and the front end of the ball joint (4) passes through the compression spring (5 ) is in contact with the pressure pad (6), the rear end of the ball head (4) is hinged to the inner wall of the ball head housing (2) through the ball head seat (7), and a set of rollers is set between the ball head seat (7) and the steering spindle (3) The needle (8) is characterized in that the needle groove between the ball head seat (7) and the steering spindle (3) is set on the inner hole surface of the ball head seat (7), and the ball head seat (7) is seated and hinged on the ball head shell on the edge of the shaft hole (IX).

Exhibition noster

Saic Maxus T60 Auto Partes Wholesaler (XII)
展会 II
展会 I
Saic Maxus T60 Auto Partes Wholesaler (XI)


Saic Maxus T60 Auto Partes Wholesaler (I)
Saic Maxus T60 Auto Partes Wholesaler (III)
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Saic Maxus T60 Auto Partes Wholesaler (VI)

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